News, events, trips and info for sea kayaking and canoeing in Shetland

Category: Announcements Page 11 of 25

Vaila Trip – Saturday 9 November

Meet up at the Walls Regatta Club at 9.00am. Please phone Janet (01595 809718) if you are coming – even if you have your own kit. If you require club kit please let Janet know what you need.

As the weather is unpredictable, check this site, or phone two days before to check that the trip will go ahead.

Many thanks to Janet for arranging the trip.

Autumn Trip to Vaila followed by soup/sandwiches/cake

Janet’s trying to arrange a trip out to Vaila followed by soup, sandwiches and cake at the Walls Regatta Club.

The original plan was 26th October, 14 people have signed up so far. Janet was wondering if either the 2nd or 9th of November might be better for people as she’d forgotten it was school holidays.

Please contact Janet on 01595 809718 if you’re interested in coming and specify which date suits you. We’ll go with majority and confirm on the website.

Many thanks!

A good night out at the Gurkha Kitchen to mark the end of 2013 paddle season

A good turnout of club members attended the end of season meal at the Gurkha Kitchen on Thursday 3rd of October. Lots of really nice food was consumed, reminisces about the season  and plans for next year discussed, and a generally relaxed and enjoyable evening was had.  Many thanks to Wendy for organizing the Gurkha Kitchen.

That’s the end of Thursday nights beginners sessions for the year, role on 2014!  Keep an eyes on the website for weekend trips, if the weather’s nice we may yet get out for another club trip or two! And don’t forget about the planned trip to Vaila followed by soup and sandwiches at the Walls Regata Club at the end of the month (details in separate post)

Club Social Night

Just a reminder – the social night is on Thursday 3 October, 7.00pm, Gurkha Kitchen. Buffet-style meal followed by tea/coffee. £15 per person. Please contact Wendy if you are coming. 01595 840272 or email

Thursday 19 September “night” club trip

Spectacular close to the canoe club 2013 Thursday evening outdoor sessions. A group of 10 set off from Bridge End at 7 o’clock for a ten mile paddle. As the photos show conditions were perfect for this event.

Great calm

Setting off

In the dark

Paddling in the moonlight

Paddle through Scalloway Harbour at night

Thursday 19 September

If weather conditions are suitable we will do a night-time paddle setting off from Bridge End, meeting there at 6.30pm.

Please note, this will be a moderate length of paddle.

Participants should take some form of lighting with them; glow-stick or waterproof torch.

Check the website on Wednesday night to see if the trip will be going ahead.

WEDNESDAY UPDATE – forecast looks reasonable (yes…honestly!) so we’ll see you at Bridge End as planned.

Thursday 12 September

Despite the miserable weather, around a dozen kayakers were on the water at Bridge End honing their skills.

Well done to those who completed their two star awards.

Thursday 12 September – Two Star at Bridge End

Meet at Bridge End at 6pm (or as soon after as you can manage). No need to phone anyone about equipment.

Canoe Club Social Night

Thursday 3 October. Buffet-style meal at Gurkha Kitchen. About £15 per person. Please contact Wendy if you are interested. 01595 840272 or email

Thursday 5 September

We plan to paddle Lerwick Harbour, meeting at OLD Weighbridge Café at GREMISTA at 6.45pm. Please phone Tam (01950477222) on Wednesday to tell him you are coming and if you need any kit. If the forecast is poor we will meet at Bridge End instead and Tam will let you know. Also check the website on Thursday or phone Angus before you leave, if you are in doubt. The weather has been erratic!

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