News, events, trips and info for sea kayaking and canoeing in Shetland

Category: Announcements Page 15 of 25

Club Committee Meeting Friday night

Committee meeting Friday at Iselsburgh, non-committee members welcome to sit in and hear discussions!
Room 13 Islesburgh
7pm start

Pool sessions

The winter pool sessions start again on the Thursday 11th October, 8pm till 9pm at the Clickimin pool.

There will be coaches present if you would like to improve on your skills, ie: support strokes, draw strokes and even learn to roll.

Try a greenland paddle, have a go at self rescues, the pool is the perfect place to practice.

There are eight sessions till end November then we stop over the festive, starting again in Feb.

Prices are the same as last year £5 for adults and £3 for juniors/concessions. (each night attended)

Hope to see you all there. Please come early as boats have to be unloaded from trailer and put back on afterwards.

Thursday training nights

Thursday 6th September will be the last outdoor training night of this season at Bridge End centre. Pool sessions will be starting on October 11th at Clickimin pool. Further details will be given closer to the time. We may be organising a night time paddle, (bring a torch) again more details once dates decided.

Voxter weekend – starts today

That’s the doors open at Voxter and the first paddlers in, more hopefully coming along later today. Trips tomorrow may include a full day trip and shorter half-days, turn up before 9am if you want to come along.

It’s self-catering and there’s plenty of room in the Centre for those that fancy staying over (sorry – no unaccompanied children please). We’ll probably be sitting up tonight and talking about what folks have got up to since last weekend!

If you fancy joining us for part or all of the weekend just turn up first thing in the morning or speak to Chris, Iain or Wendy or email us at the symposium email address.

Our Symposium – 3 weeks to go!!!

Three weeks to go until the symposium, places are still available and we also have a day rate in case you can’t make the whole weekend.

There’s a number of delegates arriving on the Thursday before the symposium and we’re hoping they’ll join us for the club training session, so you may even have the chance to paddle with these great coaches, pick up a few hints and tips before the weekend!

If you can’t make it to the paddling through the day we’d still like to see club members out for the Saturday evening slide shows. Please speak to Chris, Wendy or Iain if you’re interested.

We’d also like to gauge interest in Junior paddlers having their own sessions over the weekend, again speak to Chris, Wendy or Iain, or email

Trip cancelled

Due to poor weather conditions the trip planned for Tues 3rd July has been cancelled

Club trip 3rd July

Venue: Quarff to Gulberwick      E

All meet at Quarff beach (Casho) for 6:45. We will require to do a shuttle for cars. Paddling from Quarff following coast north into Gulberwick beach.

Avise Craig what equipment is required before 6pm Monday so trailer can be organised. limited boats so call early to reserve.

Just under four weeks to go until the Symposium!

Our Symposium is on the weekend of 27th July, the outline for the weekend’s activities has been sent out to all those who’ve already signed up, there’s plenty for one and two star paddlers to do this year, and even if you can’t make the whole weekend there’s a day rate!!!

There’s slide shows and bits on Saturday night which everyone’s more than welcome to come along to (though you’ll need to book the meal if you’re wanting fed).

The symposium is also open to non-club members, so if you know anyone who might be interested let them know too please.

Speak to Chris, Wendy or Iain for more details, or email us at

Club trip Tuesday 26 June

Venue: Breiwick bay, Lerwick
Meet at slipway below Tesco to be on the water for 7pm.
We will decide where to go depending on weather and sea state.
If you would like to go on this trip then call Craig  before 6pm Monday night so the trailer can be organised.

Club trip Tues 19 June

Venue: Vassa , South Nesting     trip

This trip is open to all beginners this year and last year who attained their 1 star award. Experienced paddlers also welcome. Meet at Vassa, South Nesting to be on the water for 7pm. If you would like to paddle on this trip then call Craig to arrange equipment and book a kayak.  Please call before 6pm on MOnday so trailer can be loaded with required gear.

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