Shetland Canoe Club

News, events, trips and info for sea kayaking and canoeing in Shetland

…Canoe polo…

play in the pool, work on paddling skills and (probably) have the most fun you can experience in a public swimming pool! Don’t need to be an expert paddler, will be working on building skills and enjoy ourselves. Great way to get/ stay fit too.

Get in contact with Jonathan SwaleJim Tait or myself if you’re interested.

Hopefully starting up in the New Year if we can sort pool bookings and get the numbers of paddlers to make it viable.

AGM Date set 31st January 2014

Date decided on, we’re going to have it on 31st January, venue to be sorted.

new logo?

There’s been a suggestion that the club logo (as used on all of the symposium forms) is looking late 80s/ early 90s. Not saying we have to change, just it would be something to think about as some people have picked up on it. Any graphic designers out there who’d like to give it a makeover…?

2014 Shetland Sea Kayak Symposium Booking forms now available

That’s the forms available for next year’s symposium! The prices have ended up higher than previously, though there’s a discount on the symposium fee (not accommodation/meals/ foxed costs) . If you’re currently a club member remember to check out the forum for additional special offer.

Vaila – Saturday 9th November – a cold but lovely time on the water followed by good food and great company

After what can only be described as a wet and blustery Friday, Saturday proved a lovely day for a paddle.  The conditions: cold – yes, but not too bad; very light winds, occasional  rain showers; definitely some confused sea out past Vaila, calmer water in by. The group: six of this year’s beginners plus four others.

Setting off south from the Walls Regatta Club slip and keeping close to the east shore, we could feel  the swell building as we got closer to Ram’s Head, and after crossing over and after sticking heads round Humla Stack, the decision was to follow the west shore of Easter Sound back towards Walls. Time was spent rock hopping, surfing through a lovely little tunnel, watching a flock of cormorants  launching off of the banks, waiting for blowholes to blow, and chatting until the get out for a bit of a leg stretch. As conditions in Wester Sound were pretty similar to the other end of Vaila, after a bit of a play in some waves we headed almost due north to Burrastow , then back in to Walls by way of the other side of Linga.

Now, normally we’d have loaded up trailers and headed home, happy paddlers. Today we headed over to Janet’s house for a very tasty selection of goodies and an extended natter about all things  paddling.

All in all, a great way to spend a Saturday in November.

Many thanks to: Janet for getting a lot of the organisation done and hosting the after-paddle get together; Janet, Laureen, Tracy and Christina for sorting out all that wonderful food; Wendy and Craig (Nicol) for sorting the trailer; and Angus and Catriona for leading the trip.

Vaila Trip Saturday 9th November – weather looking good!

Looking like it should be a reasonable weather window on Saturday, there’s still time to contact Janet if you fancy going.

If there’s anyone with a towbar who’s willing to pick up the trailer, please get in touch ASAP.

Thank you

Vaila Trip – Saturday 9 November

Meet up at the Walls Regatta Club at 9.00am. Please phone Janet (01595 809718) if you are coming – even if you have your own kit. If you require club kit please let Janet know what you need.

As the weather is unpredictable, check this site, or phone two days before to check that the trip will go ahead.

Many thanks to Janet for arranging the trip.

Autumn Trip to Vaila followed by soup/sandwiches/cake

Janet’s trying to arrange a trip out to Vaila followed by soup, sandwiches and cake at the Walls Regatta Club.

The original plan was 26th October, 14 people have signed up so far. Janet was wondering if either the 2nd or 9th of November might be better for people as she’d forgotten it was school holidays.

Please contact Janet on 01595 809718 if you’re interested in coming and specify which date suits you. We’ll go with majority and confirm on the website.

Many thanks!

A good night out at the Gurkha Kitchen to mark the end of 2013 paddle season

A good turnout of club members attended the end of season meal at the Gurkha Kitchen on Thursday 3rd of October. Lots of really nice food was consumed, reminisces about the season  and plans for next year discussed, and a generally relaxed and enjoyable evening was had.  Many thanks to Wendy for organizing the Gurkha Kitchen.

That’s the end of Thursday nights beginners sessions for the year, role on 2014!  Keep an eyes on the website for weekend trips, if the weather’s nice we may yet get out for another club trip or two! And don’t forget about the planned trip to Vaila followed by soup and sandwiches at the Walls Regata Club at the end of the month (details in separate post)

Club Social Night

Just a reminder – the social night is on Thursday 3 October, 7.00pm, Gurkha Kitchen. Buffet-style meal followed by tea/coffee. £15 per person. Please contact Wendy if you are coming. 01595 840272 or email

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