The Seventh Symposium is on it’s way!
(We’ve even got a mention in the 24-page Sea Kayaking Mini Mag free with the June issue of Canoe & Kayak UK magazine)
The Seventh Symposium is on it’s way!
(We’ve even got a mention in the 24-page Sea Kayaking Mini Mag free with the June issue of Canoe & Kayak UK magazine)
We’ve had to revise the membership forms for 2012 so we’re slightly later than normal getting these out to club members, but they’re now out so please try and get them completed as soon as possible if you’re wanting to take part in club activities! By all means turn up with the form at any of the Bridge End sessions and give to a Committee member, or return it to the address on the form itself.
Shetland Canoe Club Membership Form 2012 available here to download.
Thank you
Never paddled before? The Club runs coaching sessions throughout the season, starting with four weeks of theory and pool work to prepare for the great outdoors.
Poster up in the Clickimin and there’s more details on the 2012 Clikimmin Beginners Training page on the website
Consultation on developing a safety system for Adventure Activities in Scotland is underway, it may affect us as a club and unfortunately the closing date was the 30th March! I’m sure no-one would argue against having safe systems within the club, it’s just if clubs such as ours end up being covered by this system it could be very expensive in so many ways as it will almost certainly involve paying for registration and inspection with all of the additional paperwork that will incur. We’re going to discuss it (briefly) at Club Committee Meeting on Monday and feed back general comments to SCA.
The club AGM is on the 27th March starting at 7.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. in room 9 at the Isleburgh Complex.
This event is open to all and is a good opportunity to come and meet lots of members and find out the club. The club hosts a ‘Free try it night’ on the 29th March followed by a series of beginners sessions held at the Clicikmin pool from the 19th April. Later in the year the club is hosting a Symposium at Bridge End Outdoor Centre . This is a big training event which attracts a lot of kayaking visitors and the sessions planned are run by top level 5 coaches. The club also has a busy trip programme twice a week on top of the training night. So there is plenty to do and lots of places to visit in a kayak, open canoe or play boats.
Please look at the web site for more information.
So put the date in your diary.
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