Shetland Canoe Club

News, events, trips and info for sea kayaking and canoeing in Shetland

Surf Report

As promised, with summer trips now likely to wind down and become more weather and daylight dependent, up  comes the surf!

Angus Nicol digs deep in moderate surf conditions at Quendale yesterday

Club members enjoyed an afternoon of moderate surf at Quendale yesterday , with occasional runs of bigger waves. Surf gurus Jonathan and Jim on hand with their specialist surf boats to capitalise on the conditions. High energy stuff, good fun, and as hard or easy as you want it to be.


Alternative Activities

As the summer draws to a close, you might be thinking of drying off the kit and packing it away until next year.

Well, think again!

Kayaking isn’t just a summer sport. It may be cold, windy and wet (let’s face it, in our sport it’s always wet), but there’s still fun to be had. Here are a couple of activities that you might consider:

1. Come and play on the waves. Surf kayaking in short boats is great fun when the swell is anywhere between south-westerly and south-easterly (most good beaches in Shetland face south or south east)

2. Head for the rivers. OK, we don’t have rivers in Shetland, but there are plenty on the mainland and every year a small bunch of us head south for a bit of exilerating white water fun. The plan this year is to paddle during the week before the Perth paddle show on 22-23 October, and possibly take in the Tay Descent We’ll be choosing rivers to suit the abilities of anyone who cares to join us – easy or mental as appropriate.

If you fancy either of these activities, let me know.


Club Trip Tues 23rd Aug

Venue:     Ireland, Bigton up to Maywick     Leader: Tam

Depending on sea state, looking to paddle from Ireland, Bigton up coast and into Maywick. If you would like to come on this paddle contact either Tam (01950477222) or Craig (01950477644 or 07795674053) before 9 pm  tonight.

Paddle to Vaila

Club Trip to Vaila – Saturday 20th August

 Tam is organising a paddle trip to Vaila this Saturday leaving at 10.00 from Walls Marina.

 Plan is to paddle to Vaila and stop for lunch and visit the Sperm Whale Exhibit and then have a walk about and more paddling.  Vaila is a nice island to paddle around and there are also other Voes to explore as well if it is a bit lumpy on the seaward side. 

 The link to the exhibit is attached for additional reading.

 If you are interested in going on this trip please contact Tam on either of the numbers listed as the trailer will need to be checked and loaded up for those needing gear.


Mobile  07818252431

Home  01950477222

Spirit Dancer

The club is hosting a talk by Chris Cooper of the canoe “Sprit Dancer”  , who along with his crew  who are circumnavigating the Biritsh Isles , at the Isleburgh Centre on Tuesday 9th August at 7.30 p.m. Chris will be giving a talk on the canoe’s adventures in British Columbia. This event is open to everyone so if you know of anyone who is interested bring them along. The event is free. 

If you go to this link you can find out more information on their journey around the Biritsh Isles and what they have been up to in Shetland. Chris and his crew do not have much time left in the Isles before they have to go back home to Cananda so if you want to meet up with Chris and his crew then come along on Tuesday.


Tall Ships Paddle

Tall Ships paddle image

Members of the Shetland Canoe Club raft up for a photo opportunity during the Tall Ships event.

During the Tall Ships 2011 event in Lerwick 39 members of Shetland Canoe Club went for a paddle amongst the magnificent vessels, pausing along the way to raft up and get a group shot of everyone there. Click on the link below to see (and save!) a larger version of the picture.

Click here for larger image


Club Trip Sunday 31st July

Venue: Stenness to Hillswick                    Leader: Ian.

Paddling from Stenness, to be on the water for 1pm, Coming out at Hillswick approx 6pm. Maybe possible to go to Dor Holm and the Drongs.

This paddle is open to beginners and experienced paddlers.

If you would like to go on this paddle then contact Ian on 01595880769 before 6pm Sat night to allow time to organise equipment.

Club Trip Tues 26th July

Venue: Billster,  North Nesting         CHANGE OF START POINT

Leader: Julie                   Easy trip open to all 1 star and experienced

Leave from Billister, North Nesting paddling to Kirkabister, North Nesting. On the water for 7pm. Distance approx 8 – 9 km.

A short car shuttle will be required so arrive early.

Club boats limited to 11, so contact Craig early to avoid disappointment. There is a £2 trailer fee for driver for club boats.

Call Craig on 07795674053 (day) or 01950477644 (night)

Even if you don’t require club contact Craig just in case trip is changed.

Spirit Dancer

The 42ft canoe Spirit Dancer is in Scalloway today (Wednesday 20th) and anyone is welcome to go for a paddle with them, and it’s free! It can hold 16+ people at a time. The crew are staying in the Scalloway Youth Centre, or you can contact me (Mark 07766054776) or Davie Sandison (07801792830) to find out more or plan a trip. Here until Saturday, when they relocate to Lerwick, then on to other locations around Shetland, including the Bridge End Outdoor Centre.

Click here to visit the Spirit Dancer Website

Club trip Tues 19th July

Venue: Whiteness                                          Leader: Julie

THis paddle will meet at Whiteness shop at 6:30 Tues evening.  This paddle is open to all 1 star and experienced paddlers. The trip will leave from Strom bridge and paddle down stromness voe and back up Whiteness voe.

The trip will be approx 11km. If you would like to come on this paddle contact Craig on 07795674053 (day) or 01950477644 (night). email: before 7pm Monday night as trailer has to be collected and loaded with equipment required.

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