Shetland Canoe Club

News, events, trips and info for sea kayaking and canoeing in Shetland

Club Trip Tues 31st May

Hi all,
Venue: South Nesting
This paddle is classed as an ‘E‘ easy paddle, which means all beginners who have gained their 1 star can come along.
We will be entering the water at Vassa voe, South Nesting looking to be on the water for 7 pm.
If you would like to join this paddle then contact Craig to reserve a boat. M: 07795674053 or H:01950477644 evening.
Boat numbers are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.

Club trip Wed 25th May

Venue: Bridge End, Burra    (New venue)

This trip will be leaving from Bridge End, on the water for 7pm. 

This trip is open to all 1 star and experienced paddlers  

Can you please contact Craig if you wish to paddle,  also with equipment requirements.

All contact details are on the website under programme.

CANCELLED Club trip Tues 24th May S. Nesting


Venue: South Nesting

This trip will be leaving from Vassa voe, on the water for 7pm. weather permitting we will go around the Gletness isles.

This trip is open to all 1 star and experienced paddlers  

Can you please contact Craig if you wish to paddle,  also with equipment requirements.

(As the trailer may not be fixed the venue may have to change) 

All contact details are on the website under programme.

Club Trip Tues 17th May

Hi All,

First trip of the club calender is on Tuesday 17th May.

We will be leaving from Bridge End  centre, to be on the water for 7pm

Weather permitting we shall go around either Kettlaness or Houss, then portage across at Ayre Dyke or Bannaminn.

Remember that all membership fees must be paid and you have successfully passed your 1 star.

Contact Craig on 07795674053 or email

Look forward to seeing you all there.

Kayak Fishing

In a recent conversation with Tommy in the LHD shop, he made the offer that if the Canoe Club members expressed enough interest in purchasing kayak fishing rods he would be happy to order up a batch of ten to sell on.
Kayak fishing rods are available in different sizes. The ones we discussed are marketed specifically for kayak fishing, being 4ft long and holding a standard fishing reel.
The LHD is a dealer for this particular brand and would be selling them at the retail price, (£19.99 at time of discussion) saving shipping costs for individual members. If anyone is interested in this, add a comment here or email me.

Outdoor Training

The first outdoor training session of the year took place in Thursday this week with over 20 kayaks taking to the water on a fine spring evening in ideal conditions. Split into groups, the beginners got their first real taste of paddling after learning the basics in the Clickimin pool. A great time had by all, and only those who chose to went for a swim!


Trip Wednesday 27th April

Cunningsburgh to Quarff

Paddle leaving Aithwick, Cunningsburgh. Looking to be on the water at 6 pm coming out at Quarff. Please arrive early as we will have to arrange shuttle cars back to Quarff as parking is very limited at Aithwick. This trip is for experienced paddlers only, Would you please contact Craig on 07795674053 daytime or 01950477644 evening to advise if you are coming , so we can update you with finalised details. Hopefully we will also have the company of Richard F who is currently on the island.

Voar Redd Up – We did it…………

A big thank you to all who were able to make it for the Voar Redd Up clean up.  We met at Bridge End at 11.00 a.m. Five of us went paddling Jonathan, Ruby, Julie, Iain and Iwan.  It was a bit windy but not too bad. We met the others Ian, Beth, Tam, Liam, Arthur, Jean, Rachel,  Davy and the peerie bairns Niamh, Ciara, Aiden and Tianii down at the beach  , Ayre Dyke.  It was quite cold and windy for the bairns so they did not sta y too long.   The cameraman from the Amenity Trust came just as the kayakers were preparing to paddle back up to Bridge End so he only took pictures of us. Hopefully you may see some pictures in the Shetland times this week. We got over 30 bags of rubbish and some fish boxes and other stuff so the portage should be much nicer to cross over  when we paddle down that way this year.


Monday 19th April

Beginners 4 week sessions start on the 14th April

For those who could not make the “Try it Night”  the 4 week beginners sessions start on the 14th with the lectures starting at 6.45 in the Loch bar (change of venue as the Bowlers Bar is being refurbished) and then off to the pool for 8.00 to enjoy the thrills of learning to kayak.

Please remember to bring your enrolment form and payment with you. If you need a form please go to the information section on the web site and you will be able to download the form from there.

Hope to see all you keen kayakers next Thursday.

Da Voar Redd Up 2011

Shetland’s Award Winning Annual Clean Up.

Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th April.

Please come along and support the club in helping to keep our bit of  Shetland tidy and you can all enjoy the clean beaches on our paddles at Bridge End during the training sessions .  As with every year we try to kayak to a location where we can do some cleaning up and take our lunch with us. As April weather can be a bit unpredictable we sometimes have to walk. So fingers crossed we get to paddle from the centre down to Ayre Dyke and Symbister , both are regular club paddles, to do some bruck collection. The  Amenity Trust are keen to have photos from us especially if we can kayak down so bring your cameras along  as well .  It would be best to get photos to them asap as they would like them in for the next issue of the Shetland Times.

Some of the statistics from the Amenity Trust who have organised the event since 1988.  

 4 ,191 people took part in 2010 which is 19% of the population. 

The total amount of bruck collected in 2010 came to just over 53 tonnes.

Volunteers make Voar Redd up a success and the Amenity Trust are relying on folk like us to do their bit in helping to keep Shetland tidy. 

So remember  DUNNA CHUCK BRUCK. 

Meeting time will be at Bridge End Centre at 11.00 Sunday 17th .

Gloves and bags are provided along with bright waistcoats to let folk know what we are doing.

Hopefully see you next weekend.


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