News, events, trips and info for sea kayaking and canoeing in Shetland

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Club trips – end June and into July 2017

Passage 2.5km south of Nibon

After a slow start to the trip season, things have got a bit busier now and people have got out and about. Many thanks to Rachel for doing lots of  driving over the last few weekends and evenings and getting people organised, making it all possible. Thanks must also go to Angus, Catriona, Rosalind, Gerald and all the other club coaches and trip leaders. Here’s a few photos from trips around Oxna and Papa, Ronas Voe, Muckle Roe and Nibon

Muckle Roe Caving

rock and stack hopping, Ronas Voe

Over 30 paddlers getting ready to set off from Hamnavoe

Cave entrance, Mangaster

Cave, just south of Tokka

First Club Beginners Trip of 2017

Saturday saw 4 beginners, 2 coaches and 2 support paddlers head up to Ronas Voe for the first beginners trip of 2017.  A good day out was had and a lot learned, conditions being bright but blustery. Many thanks to Jim for coaching and trailering, and Mike and Jo really made the trip a success. And a thank you to our four beginners Ingrid, Val, Michelle and Jessie – you were superb!

If you are a beginner and interested in coming along on a coached trip please chat to one of the coaches on Thursday nights.

Details of individual trips can be found on our facebook page and our forum

Thursday 9 June beginners session – a trip to Gletness

As it was such a nice night, decision made to head out to Gletness. Leaving with one of the biggest group trips of the year, working on forward paddling and staying upright was order of the day. A quick five minute break on the beach was had at Gletness after an hour paddling, then out to South Isle and across to North Isle to try and pass through the arch. Unfortunately the tide was too low, but a good twenty minutes was spent checking out the nooks and crannies of North Isle.When we got back at 10pm everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves, even if they were a wee bit tired after their first real trip

Details for Saturday’s intro day

We’re aiming to cover the BCU 1 star syllabus by the end of the day. You need to be confident in the water and prepared to get wet, though we’ll try and do that towards the end of the day. Places will be limited as we want to to keep groups small, though we do have a good number of new coaches!

Cost – club membership fee. Forms are on the membership page

How long is it?

It’s a full day starting at 9am.
What do I need to bring?
Lunch and snacks; towel and changes of clothes; extra warm clothing for sitting around; a flask with your favourite hot drink.

What should I wear?
Warm ‘sports’ type clothes that dry quickly, thermal underwear if you’ve got it, fleece jumper and jacket, waterproof jacket and trousers. Don’t wear anything cotton, it soaks up water and you just get very cold. If you have a wetsuit that’s fine, and if you’ve got a dry suit you’re lucky! An old pair of trainers is fine on the feet, but don’t forget cotton socks aren’t good. Warm hats are essential.

Is there somewhere to get changed?
There’s a changing room as part of the the Bridge End Centre complex for our use. There is no heating in the changing rooms. Please be quick using it. It is not secure so please do not leave valuables in there. It’s best to lock them in cars.

What are the toilet facilities like?
There is a lockable facility with shower and toilet. It is shared with campers and caravanners. Please make sure you leave it clean and tidy.

What stuff does the club provide?
We have a store of equipment you will need such as bouyancy aids and paddles. We also have a selection of kayaks to suit different sizes of people.

What can I expect to do?
We’ll be outside most of the day so you will need clothes for whatever weather the day brings. We’re going to do a bit of talking, some drills on land before getting onto the water. We’ll cover the safety aspects first, before getting in and out of kayaks. We’ll go on to move forwards, backwards and turning. You will be lifting and carrying kayaks on and off trailers and down to the water. By the end of the day you should have the basic skills to go on short trips with the club. We finish off by doing ‘wet’ drills simulating a capsize and rescue.

Will I get wet?
Yes, but it’s hopefully going to be towards the end of the day when we do ‘wet’ drills. You need an additional set of clothes just in case…

Is kayaking dangerous?

Bridge End is considered as sheltered waters and suitable for teaching beginners. While it does need to be recognised that kayaking is an inherently dangerous pastime, if you do as instructed the risks will be minimal and we will do out best to teach you to be safe.

Most common injuries happen prior to getting on the water. We will look at ways of preventing those injuries and managing the risks throughout the day.

If you have a medical condition speak to one of the coaches. It will be dealt with sensitively and not passed on unless it needs to be for your safety. If you have any medication please make sure you bring it with you.

Can I take photos?
With the exception of while someone is getting changed, yes if you ask the people being photographed.

Many coaches will have a waterproof camera. Consent for the Club to use photographs on our website and facebook page is on the membership form. Photos of anyone under 16 will not be used without parents permission.

Introduction to sea kayaking Saturday 25 July

We’re going to run an introduction to sea kayaking day covering the basics and preparing for easy trips. Further details on our facebook page

If you are interested please get in contact.

Beginners session 11/06/15

With a brisk breeze blowing from the south, a trip to north seemed a good idea.

Over the first few miles the beginners encountered their first waves to surf on, gradually building the nearer we got to Scalloway.

Rafting up in Clift Sound gave an opportunity to relax for a few minutes, stretch the legs and take in the views. In spite of the growing swell, there was even a chance for a Craig to take a photo or two.

By the time we reached the bridge there were a few tired bodies glad to see the end in sight, the myth that using the waves to go fast was easy firmly dispelled.  The swell dying down as we entered the harbour also give Jim the chance to chase down Mike who’d swapped the plastic Etaine for Jim’s glass version and was thoroughly enjoying himself!

And there we were, off the water, stowing boats and gear, trip finished. Just the shuttle to sort out to get folks back to their cars and kit sitting at Bridge End.

Many thanks to Jim and Matthew for towing trailers; to Mike and Craig for helping run the shuttle at the beginning of the trip; Craig for coordinating the shuttle in reverse; and everyone for getting stuck in there and sorting gear out so we could all get home.

Beginners session 04/06/15

Another nice Thursday evening out on the water, getting a little further each time. With the majority now at 1* can’t call these beginners sessions for much longer! Anyway, relatively calm meant we got to almost to Houss before swell kicked in. Shetland provided a break in the clouds and one of it’s stunning sunset which just got better and better. Many thanks to Angus and for letting us use the photo

Thursday 28 May – Beginners session 3

This week we had a stunning evening for getting out there and paddling and, after some work on emergency stops,  30 paddlers went for a paddle! Along the way we did some work on sweep strokes on the move and then back to forward paddling before a bit of a rest on the big beach at Papil. By the end of the evening we’d got just that bit further away from Bridge End  and a lot closer to getting that 1* tick for the whole group.

Thursday 21 May – beginners session 2

Thursday proved to be nice and breezy so some of this year’s beginners took to the Canoes for their first experience of sailing, while others had a short trip to Papil. Coming back as three rafts proved fun, especially with some kind folks ‘volunteering’ to stand up.

Some brave souls even did some swimming and rescuing at the end of the sessions. From one or two comments, it was quite an experience…

Well done to everyone, see you next week

Beginners session 140515 – outdoors at Bridge End

Thursday saw the move from the pool to the great outdoors for this year’s beginners,  and low winds and a high turnout made for a busy evening coaching. Everyone appeared to have enjoyed their first experiences of Bridge End and got to grips with the fundamentals of forward paddling in roughly a straight line. Next session it’s planned to look at turning strokes. Roll on next Thursday!

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