Shetland Canoe Club

News, events, trips and info for sea kayaking and canoeing in Shetland

29th May – Thursday night coaching and trip

With visiting paddlers plus all the beginners in flat calm conditions, a trip round Hous was quickly arranged for the majority and away they went for what was a lovely paddle! Visibility wasn’t great but it all added to the experience of the first trip for beginners this year.

A second group were also out in a canoe, working on two star skills and enjoying the evening on the water.

Many thanks to everyone for what was a fun night.

Training Bridge End this Thursday will include rescues and a bit of incident management. Anyone planning on coming on trips – come along and practice

Angus is talking about this week’s session including rescues, contact tows and general incident management. What we cover will depend on who turns up and can be as advanced as people want. If you’re planning on going on trips this should be a good session to attend. Expect to get wet so bring dry clothes and a warm drink, and anyone that has a spare dry suit will be most welcome!

The first Thursday Nights beginners sessions of the season

2014 beginners session 15th May

The 2014 Thursday night sessions kicked off on 15th May.

A good turnout at Bridge End with a variety of experience across the twenty paddlers on the water, the blustery conditions challenged this year’s beginners and got the more experienced techniques dusted off. Nothing quite like having to demonstrate technique to others to concentrate the mind!

Many thanks to Craig, Angus, Iain D, and Catriona for coaching and Yolanda, Iwan and Ben for assisting.

Club members that have 1* and above – If you are looking to brush up on skills before getting out on trips, feel free to come along over this next few Thursday nights. Otherwise just speak to Rachel and get paddling as there’s plenty of trips going on for all levels of paddlers.

First Trips 2014

The first weeks club trips have got off to a good start with Tam, Yolanda, Rachel, Ross and Gerry kayaking from Ireland over to St Ninians on Tuesday 6th May and kayaking again on Saturday 10th May kayaking from Mavis Grind to Hillswick. Next Tuesday Whiteness to Scalloway.

Trip Calender

Hi I have put together a few trips for the next month.  Let me know if you want to come on them, especially if you need club equipment. If the weather isn’t suitable for any trip we will potentially change location but I will let all those who have signed up know. Feel free to suggest any other trips you would like to do. My number is 07776188952/ or 01595 890396 or email me on

Saturday 10th May- Mavis Grind to Hillswick meet 11.30am

Tuesday 13th May- Whiteness voe to Scalloway boating club meet 6.15 pm

Saturday 17th May- Ronas Voe meet 10am

Tuesday 20th May- Spiggie to Colsay meet 6.15pm

Saturday 24th May- Hillswick to Tangwick

Tuesday 27th May- Levenwick to Boddam

Trip Tuesday 6th May Cunningsburgh to Quarff

Hi the weather forecast is looking okay for Tuesday, so thought it would be suitable for a trip from Aith Voe Cunningsburgh (at the small pier/slip) to Quarff. Meeting at 6.15 at the slipway, so we can get the shuttle set up to take cars to Quarff. If you want to come please let me know, particularly if dont have your own equipment. My number is 01595 890396/ 07776188952 or email


Symposium – places now capped.

Last few places being held for local paddlers, waiting list now in operation. Email if you want name added to list.


Hi although the forecast isn’t looking good for this coming Tuesday I will be putting trips together through out the year. If anybody has any trip suggestions, would like to organise, or lead a trip let me know. Hopefully the weather will be good for next weekend. My phone number is 01595 890396 if you’re not into email.


Redd Up Saturday 26th April

Hi everybody, to get the kayak season started we thought we could start with participating in the redd Up on Saturday the 26th April, to clean the Atlantic side of Mavis Grind. We are meeting at 10 am at Mavis Grind. I thought we would Redd Up first and then those who want to can go on a trip near by either heading north to Nibon/ Hillswick or south to Roe Sound (I’m hoping for nice weather).

Hope to see you all there!


Beginners sessions 2014

Starts Thurs 17th April, 24th April, 1st May, 8th May

If you’ve never kayaked and thought you’d like to give it a go, this is a good way to learn some of the basics before you get out onto the sea.

Each week we’ll spend just under an hour looking at safety, equipment and general paddling do’s and don’ts before heading into the pool. At the end of the four weeks you’ll be ready to head out to Bridge End to put some of what we’ve been doing into practice before getting going with trips.

You need to be able to swim and be over 13, all children under 16 need to be accompanied by an adult.

Meet 6:45pm at poolside suite for the dry bit. There will be time to get changed before we go into the pool. Please bring your completed enrollment form with you.

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