Form now available, please complete and get it back to Craig and Sheryl. Return by 1st May to ensure you’re classed as a current member, to be guaranteed texts and emails from the club about events, and to borrow gear and attend club trips! If you miss the deadline and want to paddle don’t worry. Contact Craig by email in advance of the trip, bring the membership form and payment along with with you and give it to the trip leader. This is an insurance requirement for club activities.
Thursday night saw thirteen paddlers in the pool, a great start to this run of five sessions before the beginners training. Nice to see a full pool! Thanks go to Angus for bringing the boats.
If you fancy giving paddling a try, you can now turn up and have a free session. There will be a committee member or delegated individual at the entrance to the pool changing area.
Pool sessions for all club members begin again on Thursday 6th March. This is your opportunity to practice your skills or try new ones ie: rolling, bracing etc, in the comfort of a warm environment. There will be coaches on hand to advise and assist you if required. The sessions start at 8pm and finish at 9pm at Clickimin pool. Would you please turn up early to help with unloading the trailer and stay afterwards to load trailer. Costs are £5 adult and £3 for junior/concession. The sessions will run every Thursday till the new intake of beginners starts on 17th April. If you have a friend or relation who might be interested in joining the club, bring them along for a night to try it out. (There will be no charge for their first night)
We’ve just added a facebook group for participants in this year’s symposium. Check it out for details of informal paddles in the run up to the symposium and for the week between the Symposium and Voxter. Any formal trips will of course be mentioned here as well! There’s also a new car share page for participants coming from south.
First committee meeting for 2014. If you’re interested in shaping what’s going to happen throughout this year, let one of the committee know and turn up to discuss.
We’ve just added some bits to the page, just to clarify a few points we’ve been asked about. If you’re thinking of coming there’s still plenty of spaces just don’t leave it too long.
The heads up – we’re tidying up the programme and it’ll be out soon. All you 1* to 3* paddlers out there are going to be well catered for, it’s a great opportunity to develop your skills and just as importantly have fun. There’s also going to be opportunities for training here after the symposium as a number of contributors are staying up for a paddle, check out the club forum for further details and make sure you ask if you’re wanting something!
That’s the AGM come and gone, not a huge turnout but there was some good discussion and pointers for the new committee to take forward for the next twelve months. Full details of the discussion available shortly, there’s a number of things we’re going to be consulting on. Some changes to post holders with Craig Lobban taking up the Secretary post and the two new faces on the committee are Rachel Shucksmith joining the committee in the Trips Coordinator post plus Yolanda Bruce joins as an “ordinary ” member. Chris Watt is back as Vice Chair, Sheryl Lobban as Treasurer, Angus Nicol as Training Coordinator, Jim Tait as an “ordinary” member. Tam Hilditch has agreed to continue with equipment until he heads off in late spring for an extended holiday, and the non-committee post of Child Protection Coordinator was confirmed as being Julie Phillips again.
Would just like to repeat thanks to Jonathan Swale, Arthur Robertson and Ruby Price who all stood down this year.
In case you were wondering what’s happening with the canoe polo, we’re ordering new helmets and getting faceguards to make it safe t play. Once they’re here we can sort out training and hopefully get a few games in.
The committee stands down on the 31st January at the AGM. If you have strong views about how the club should be run, get someone to nominate you and stand for a place on the committee! If you know someone who you think would be good at it talk it over with them and nominate them!!
Don’t forget that those being nominated for posts need to agree to being nominated.
We’ll put names of those nominated on the forum. We currently have no nominations for secretary.
Posts are: Chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer, coaching coordinator, child protection coordinator, ordinary committee members.
The Club AGM will be held on 31st January in the Radio Room, Islesburgh at 7pm.
Nominations for all office bearers including Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Training Coordinator, Equipment Officer, Trips Coordinator, Child protection officer, ordinary committee members and any other posts – names to Jonathan Swale please. Nominations can also be made at the meeting.
As well as these bits we’ve “got” to do so we’re looking for ideas from yourselves about what you want to do this year and how you want things done. Let Jonathan know if there’s anything you specifically want to bring up, or just bring it up on the day.
Thank you