Shetland Canoe Club

News, events, trips and info for sea kayaking and canoeing in Shetland

Not kayak related, but a must for classical music fans

I know it’s not exactly kayak related but Donald MacDonald is one of our members and will be playing at Mareel with the Edrom String Quartet. Wed.12th June 7.30 Program of music by Schubert, Beethoven and Dvorak . If you like classical music, I’m sure it will be a treat.

Thursday 6th– Beginner session 4 – penultimate pre-trip session

This will be one of the last few formal coaching session for 2013 as we’re going to be coaching ‘on-the-go’ during trips. Tonight we’ll be working on finishing off 1* and prep for trips. If you haven’t got 1* and aren’t able to get tonight, you will need to speak to the coaches about your skill level and whether they believe you are going to be safe to take on a trip. Some trips over this next few weeks will lend themselves to more coaching and, depending on the number of coaches available on the day,  catch-up sessions are a possibility.

Don’t forget dry clothes, snack and a drink.

Thursday 30th beginners session – we got wet.

A much calmer day than last week, and yet another good turn out and it was for our planned ‘wet’ session!
Split into three groups, each doing something slightly different and all ended up getting wet. The two main groups can be seen in the photo (thanks Arthur!): one using the small boats for the straight line tests; the other in the sea boats playing with other aspects of kayaking.
The third group, supposedly the ‘dry’ one, was made up of folks that just didn’t want to get wet, who’d missed last week’s longer paddle, or hadn’t been out on the water at all, so headed South down the voe to get the distance in for 1* and a chance to practice limbo paddling.
Needless to say, there were a lot of wet and happy paddlers at the end of the night. That’s us one big step closer to getting out on trips.

(For more photos of this and our other nights, check out our facebook page)

Thursday 30th – Beginner session 3 – rescues and getting wet!!!

This will be our third session for beginners, and it’s going to be covering the essentials of rescues. We will be getting wet and hopefully having fun while covering one of the key skills you need for going on trips and completing the 1*. We have the Bridge End Center booked for the evening so there will be access to showers and places to get changed into warm and dry clothes once we’re off of the water.  Don’t forget a change of clothes.

This is the one not to miss if at all possible!

Tuesday 28th May – 1* and over sessions, session 2.

This is the second session for anyone who’s paddled before and wants to get out on the water. Meet at Bridge End again, usual aim of being on the water at 7pm sharp so be there a good bit before that, and don’t forget hot drink/ spare clothes etc. We may not be going in at Bridge End so it’s really important to check what’s going on with a Coach as soon as you arrive!

Don’t worry if you didn’t make it last week and are worried that you’ll be too rusty, come along and speak to someone and we’ll ease you back out onto the water. And if you’re wanting to start preparing for 2* just speak to a coach and we’ll sort that too.

These sessions are for you, the coaches are there to support you.

(…Please remember  membership needs to be sorted before you get kitted out…)

Thursday 23rd May -another fun night

Club training night

With force 6 winds falling away, a downwind run was decided on and a mad time was spent frantically sorting things out to get everyone up to the far end of the isle  for what proved to be  an excellent time out on the water. Encountering wind-blown swell was a new experience for the beginners group which all coped well with, plenty of opportunities for working on back-paddling as we stayed together as a group, and we even had a small number of intrepid kayakers checking out just how stable a raft is as  they took it in turns to try the human sail technique!

Back at Bridge End a couple of rugged individuals took the plunge and did their wet exits rescues and swims to shore before everyone headed off home.

So, despite the strong winds and the headaches of getting 17 beginners and 6 coaches/ assistants to Burra Bridge, a good evening’s paddling.

Beginners session 2 – Thursday 23rd May

Session is still on tonight, it will be breezy and people are more likely to get wet so please make sure you bring change of clothes if you’re coming! Don’t worry about missing a session, you can always catch up next week if you decide not to.

1* and over sessions are starting this week – Tuesday 21st May

This week we’re starting with sessions for anyone who’s paddled before and wants to get out on the water again. Whether you’re one of last year’s beginners or you’ve decided to come back to sea kayaking after a break, the sessions over the next couple of weeks are for you.

We’re aiming to be on the water at 7pm sharp, be there a good bit before that and don’t forget spare clothes etc.

Please remember  membership needs to be sorted before you get kitted out…

First outdoor session – Thursday 16th May

An excellent turn out last night at Bridge End for our first Outdoor Session.

With almost twenty beginners turning up to make the most of the good evening, we had a really busy few hours getting everyone set up and out on the water for their first paddle outside.

Hopefully the first of many nights on the water!

Thursday 16th May – Our first outdoor session!

Forecast isn’t too bad (better than tonight) and by the time we get on the water should be a fine night.

Just to recap – meet at Bridge End sometime 6.30pm/ 6.45pm ish, report to Arthur and then break up into groups ready to go on the water. Coaches and helpers will match individual beginners with boats and kit, we’re aiming to get on the water at about 7pm.

We’re going to finish back at Bridge End around 9pm. If you’re happy to stay later please speak to your coach when you’re getting sorted.

It’s not a planned wet session but if anyone falls in we’ll practice rescues!

Existing members please note – for the first few Thursday sessions priority will be given to this year’s beginners for boats and gear.

(Please please please remember that membership needs to be sorted before you use club equipment.)

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